For more details click on the More Info. button
  1. More Info. Data Display Commands
  2. More Info. File Utility Commands
  3. More Info. Image Utility Commands
  4. More Info. Vector (graphics) Utility Commands
  5. More Info. Segmentation and Feature Extraction
  6. More Info. Image Filter Commands
  7. More Info. Color and Multispectral Image
  8. More Info. Image Generation Commands
  9. More Info. DICOM File Management Commands
  10. Modules
Modules (when available)
  1. New commands, in development
  2. Feature vector commands
  3. Image Warping
  4. Radiology Image Viewer
  5. Chest CT image analysis
  6. Class demonstration commands
  7. Sphere tracking
  8. Numerical algorihtm commands
  9. Triangle Polygon and Vertex
  10. VisionX interface to VTK

Data Display Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vview - VisionX interactive image manager
vdview - VisionX Image Viewer
v3d - 3D image visualization tool
vbview - create visualization images from a (vxa) annotation
varend - trace and fill boundaries
vrend - generate an image from polygons
vrender - generate an image from polygons
v3view - compute 3d light shaded visualizations of a 3D image
vcmix - annotate (gray) images with an image
vrdiff - statistics and visualizations of region differences
xvx - X Windows VisionX image display

File Utility Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vls - list key information of a VisionX file
vpr - print the contents of a VisionX file
vps - print basic statistics of a VisionX file
vhist - compute a histogram of an image
vppr - print an image section of a VisionX image file
vhedit - edit the history information in a file
vqfile - probe an image file for basic properties
vplot - make a graphical plot or histogram of a VisionX file
vfig - draws one or multiple plots on the same chart in chosen format
vxplot - graphical plot utility
vxlplot - graphical plot utility for VisionX excel files
vexcel - Convert an excel file to VisionX format

Image Utility Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vformat - (vx) change image format to VisionX format
vrawtovx - Convert a raw image to VisionX format
vxto - change image format from VisionX format
vxtotiff - generate tiff format for image sequences
vxtoagif - Create animated gif images
vtifftovx - convert tiff images to visionx format
vxtoraw - write out the raw image data from a file
vxtopnm - convert files from VisionX to pnm format
vxctops - convert VisionX image files to Postscript
vcp - make a copy of a VisionX file
vdim - convert between different multidimensional formats
vcat - concatenate a set of VisionX files
vtile - paste an image sequence into a single image
vxfile - Append a VisionX file to the end of a VisionX file
vchan - manipulate multi-channel images
vclip - clip a region of a VisionX file
vclipx [vclip] - clip a region of a VisionX file
v3roi - selects a 3D region of interest(ROI)
vflip - flip or transpose an image about an axis
vfix - change the image format of a VisionX image file
vifx - Scale image data and convert to byte or float format
vmag - magnifies, changes the size of a VisionX image
vzmag - magnify 3D images or image sequences along the z direction
vimag - rescale an image using filtering and interpolation
viscale - Rescales an image (larger) using interpolation
vpix - primitive operations on the pixels of a VisionX image
vmath - compute a primitive mathematical function of the pixels of a VisionX image
vembed [vop] - perform an operation between two images or image sequences
vop - perform an operation between two images or image sequences
v3rbody - Three-dimensional Rigid-Body Transformation
v3mip - 3D image projection and axis transformation
v3pad - perform three-dimensional zero-padding
vcapt - Add a caption to a single byte file

Vector (graphics) Utility Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vscale - scale graphical data in a VisionX file
vtrans - apply a homogeneous transformation to vector data
vbbox - Add or modify the bounding box
vgtovec - Extract VisionX generic types into a vector
vvmin - Minimize 2D Vectors
v3pfilt - 3D surface smoothing
varend - trace and fill boundaries
vptov - points to vector conversion
vdraw - annotate a visionx image
vcidx - Add color index values to 3D vectors
v3pmask - mask a 3D polygon file using a 3D image
vsurf - 3D/2D surface area/perimeter calculation
vvplot - graphical plot utility
vec3to2 - convert 3D vectors to 2D vectors
vrredpt - remove redundants points on a 3D vector

Segmentation and Feature Extraction

More Info.
Command Function
vtrace - trace the boundaries of image segments
vtrack - compute the trajectory of image features in an image set
vtrackd - compute the distance between two points in image sequences
v3vec - converts a 3D binary line image to 3D vectors
v3ps - compute statistics of a 3D VisionX image file
vconnect - compute connected segment descriptors
v3connect - 3D connected component analysis
v3sc - 3D component selection
vssel - closest seed point component selection

Image Filter Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vsf - very general spatiotemporal filter
vconv - Convolve an image with a small matrix
vgfilt - Gaussian filter
vmean - image mean filter
vfft - Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
vedge - generic edge operator
vmorph - 2D and 3D morphological filter
vdist - distance transform
vedist - euclidean distance transform
vbfilt - Geometric filter function for binary 3D images
v3bfill - fill background of 2D or 3D binary images
vwshed - Watershed Image Segmentation
vmedian - image median filter
v3grad - calculates the 3D gradient of an image sequence
vedgedir - Performs various edge-highlighting operations
v3thin - thins a binary 3D image to a skeleton line structure
v3prune - Remove short lines from a binary line image
v3pol - convert image set to 3-D Polygons
vhisteq - histogram equalization and other functions
vderiche - Deriche edge operator
vsobel - Sobel edge function
vrcross - Roberts cross edge operator
vedgex - edge operator cleanup by non-maximum suppression, and thresholding with hysteresis
vgreg - register a sequence of images based on the entire image
vlreg - register an image sequence based on parts of the image

Color and Multispectral Image Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vccode - Convert Truecolor image to color map format
vcmap - Add a color map to a byte image
vccvt - Format conversion for color map images
vcdith - Ordered Dither Algorithm for R, G, B images
vlmap - manage regions in a label map
vcmod - modify a color region image with image intensities
vcmerge - Merge images into a color mapped image
vxctable - manage color-look-up tables
vlctovkc - VTK color file converter

Image Generation Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vgenim - generate byte test images
vgeng - compute a Gaussian function
vgen3d - generate 3D object scenes
vrawtovx - Convert a raw image to VisionX format
vpr - print the contents of a VisionX file

DICOM File Management Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vdcminfo - Report information about DICOM part 10 files (or VX_DICOM objects)
vdcmls - list dicom files in a directory
vbrand - add or validate image resolution or scale
vbrand - brand a file as having a valid history header
vdtovx - Convert a directory of DICOM images to VisionX images
vdcme - edits tags and removes confidential information in VisionX DICOM files
vdcmtovx - Convert DICOM Part 10 files into VisionX format
vxtodcm - Convert VisionX DICOM files to DICOM Part 10 files
vdcr - inverts an VisionX-DICOM image (or the files in a directory) if negative
vindex - Creates the index file for a directory
vfindex - Compute frame index information for a multi-frame file
vfclip - fast clip a region (frames only) of a VisionX file
vdcmb - blind VisionX DICOM files by removing confidential information

Triangle Polygon and Vertex Module

More Info.
Command Function
v3dtovp - prints transformation (viewing) angles for vertices.
vadjtopol - converts an adjacency file to a polygon file
vadjtover - converts a vertex file to a adjacency file
vcylmap - maps 3D image file to cylindrical model polygon file
vcylmodel - constructs the cylinder polygon file with specified number of
vdmap - maps the distribution of intensities on the way of ray
vlibgen - compute a library sequence of 3D images from a 3D model
vpolcolor - colors polygon file according to the intensity of the image
vpoldiv - takes VisionX file and divides all polygons inside it into n*n
vpolimap - maps model polygon to an object polygon file given a projection
vpolmap - maps object polygon file to model polygon file given a projection
vpoltoadj - converts a polygon file to an adjacency file
vpoltosph - maps object polygons file to a sphere of radius 1
vpoltover - converts a polygon file to a vertex file
vsphtopln - does mapping of the hemisphere to a plane in specified direction
vvertoadj - converts a vertex file to a adjacency file
vvertoang - prints transformation (viewing) angles for given vertices.
vvertopol - converts a vertex file to a polygon file

Lung Image Analysis

More Info.
Command Function
v3fft - 3D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
v3grow - 3D region growing
vadetect - detects attached nodules from a whole lung CT scans.
vairdist - computes the distance from the candidate center to
vairmap - maps image file containing airway to cylindrical model polygon file
vairmatch - matches airway segment across scan pair
vairmea - measures an airway segment
vairseg - a framework for airway segmentation
vamea - segment the aortic or pulmonary artery surface
vancgen - generate attached nodule candidates from a whole lung CT scan.
vapoly - fit polynomial from tracked aorta centerline points
vasize - estimates the center point and the size of attached nodule candidates
vattratio - computes primary, secondary and total attachment ratios
vawlbl - : airway anatomical labeling
vban - nodule blob analysis
vban2d - Perform nodule analysis using manual 2D markings
vban3dm - Perform volumetric analysis using manual 3D boundary files
vban2d - Perform nodule analysis using manual 2D markings
vban3dm - Perform volumetric analysis using manual 3D boundary files
vbgrow - 3D anisotropic region growing followed by attachment surface
vbrlbl - : airway anatomical labeling
vbronch - identifies bronchial segments
vcarina - carina detection based on airway region
vcfconv - VTK color file converter
vcframe - chest frame of reference transformation vector
vchest - Add, extract, or delete a segmented organ from an organ map
vcompact - computes the compactness measure based on
vconstraint - Extends non-closed boundaries to the edge of the image, with the
vcorr - calculates various template matching metrics.
vcylmodel - constructs the cylinder polygon file with specified number of
vdetect - detect and report potential lung nodule locations
vemph - Calculate the Emphysema Index and generate a 2D coronal projection
vfindnod - find the center and size of a nodule in a high-res image
vfitpoly - fits polynomials from a given VX thinned structure
vgan - nodule group analysis
vgrowth - a graphical interface to vgan
vgroup - a graphical interface to vngrp
vgrowth - a graphical interface to vgan
vgsphere - Spherical model simulator
vhistm - Histogram match two images
vhmea - locate the surface of a cylinder that represents a pulmonary vessel
videtect - detects isolated nodules from a whole lung CT scans.
vincgen - generate isolated nodule candidates from a whole lung CT scan.
visize - estimates the resampled isolated nodule candidate center point.
vlan - Front end for VisionX lung analysis
vlngwind - return a tight bounding box around the input ROI
vloggen - generates blob-like candidates from an image using multiscale
vlogratio - computes the ratio of positive to negative LOG response
vlogtype - classifies nodule candidates into isolated, attached and
vlpart - find cutting planes to separate the two lungs
vlrlung - partition a whole lung mask into two individual masks
vncgen - generate nodule candidates from a whole lung CT scan.
vgroup - a graphical interface to vngrp
vngrp - Nodule group management utility (1.03)
vnoddisp - Display the results of nodule detection on a 2D coronal projection
vnodule - Nodule Segmentation Tool
vodconv - organ definition converter
vplfit - VisionX program for segmenting the juxtapleural pulmonary nodules
vpsdist - computes the distance from the candidate center
vpsgen - generate suspicious pleural surface voxels from a whole lung CT scan.
vpyramid - Reduce (or magnify) an image by a factor of 2^n
vrmwall - Pleural wall removal in thresholded images
vrvlbl - rib and vertebra anatomical labeling
vsairw - segment the trachea and airways
vsbone - segment bone
vsborder - Sets the pixel at the boundary of the image to zero
vsfit - VisionX script for segmenting the juxtapleural pulmonary nodules
vslung - Automated Lung Segmentation of Pulmonary CT scans
vstra - Segment the trachea from the output of vslung
vsribs - segments and labels individual rib bones from a bone image.
vssfilt - sub-solid nodule filter
vstra - Segment the trachea from the output of vslung
vstrach - segment the trachea and airways
vsvert - performs vertebrae segmentation.
vsvmclassify - classify data points using linear SVM classifier
vvert - vertebra segmentation and rib and vertebra anatomical labeling
vvesseldet - discriminates a nodule from a vessel given a 3D structure from
vvrtlbl - performs vertebrae labeling.
vvtseg - performs individual vertebra segmentation.

Vnumeric: commnads that use numerical algorithms

More Info.
Command Function
v3regrb - Three-dimensional Rigid-Body Registration
vfilt - filter using FFT and freq spectrum
vfit - fit various models to a vector data set
vfudge - add fudge to a vector
vpspect - compute a power spectrum of a signal

Sphere Tracking Module

More Info.
Command Function
vttrack - detect and track a set of templates in an image sequence

Image Warping

More Info.
Command Function
v3gengrid - construct 3d regular grid points and tessellation (.pts and .grid files)
v3vgrid - .pts and .grid file visualization
v3warp - 3D piecewise-linear warping
vwarp - geometric transformation with two possible interpolation methods
vwcoefs - calculates the coefficients for an nth order polynomial warp
vwmap - creates polynomial warp map file from coefficients

VisionX Class Demonstration Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vhoughc - circle Hough transform
vhoughl - line Hough transform
vpatch - decompose an image into a set of overlapping patches
vquilt - combine a set of images into a single image

New VisionX commands (in development)

More Info.
Command Function
v2connect - 2d connected component labeling and selection
v3embed - pad input image by zero padding or image embeding.
v3op - perform logical or/and/xor on two input byte images.
vautil - manage jiview annotation files
vbndcmp - compares two regions and computes statistics and generates
vbnddist - compare a boundary with a binary image for partial ground truth
vbody - operates on a VisionX file containing 3D body scan data and
vbview - create visualization images from a (vdview) bookmark
vciop - operations on SIMBA case,image csv files
vcolorres - scale, apply color indexing and 2 images combine into a single colorindex image
vcrend - create visualizations for chest label maps
vcsvop - operations on csv files
vcsvtohtml - Create a HTML formatted table from a csv file
vcview - 3D visualization for chest maps
vcvis - transition from a first to a second image sequence
vdcmfix - Recompute or correct the image packing for a DICOM study
vdog - Difference of Gaussians filter
vdown - downsamples an image
vdrawsph - draw colored circles/spheres at specified locations in an
vfitmap - maps points to polygon surface
vfmt - change image format to VisionX format
vhclip - clip image in HU or scaled intensity values
vholes - operates on a VisionX file containing body scan data. It can find and
vhwindow - window a DICOM CT image to a byte image
vibbox - Change the bounding box of a VisionX file
vlrevmap - reverse mapping of sampled coordinates
vlsample - samples intensities along given points
vmap - maps points to object surface
vmhdtovx - Convert mhd format images to VisionX
vmholes - locates holes in a polygon mesh
vmpegtovx - convert mpeg video to VX image sequence
vmpix - show multiple boundaries on a single image
vmview - create multiple rendered images for 3d polygons
vnlm - Nonlocal means filter.
vnvedit - update or query entity files
vpclip - clip a region of a VisionX polygon file
vpholes - create patches to fill holes in a polygon mesh
vpixmax - Find the location of the maximum pixel in an image
vppoint - boundary points converter
vpv - pixel visualization for small byte images
vrhist - histogram plot utility using R
vring - takes a VisionX file and creates planar rings along an axis
vsmerge - transition from a first to a second image sequence
vsthick - Change the slice thickness (interval) of a CT image
vstlatovx,vstlavx - Convert from an ASCII stla file to a vx polygon file
vtbbox - return a tight bounding box around a image ROI
vthresh - Automatic threshold using Otsu's algorithm
vtplot - graphical plot utility using R
vvecs - Compute some statistics for a 2-D graph file
vwebbb - install a boundary file into the SIMBA web system
vxftoz - convert from frame to actual z coordinate in boundary files
vxport - change image format from VisionX to an external format
vxroi - output a mask excluding the input ROI on each axial slice.
vxthm - computes thumbnail images
vxtompeg - create videos from VisionX files

Feature Vector Commands

More Info.
Command Function
vclasf - distance classification program
vfcstat - Compute classification results from a VisX classifier output file
vfdgen - generate normalized fourier descriptors
vfvcat - Concatenate or append VisionX feature vector format files
vfvpick - Selects features from a VisionX vector format file
vrclasscv - classification with cross validation
vrclasstt - two class classification
vxltovf - Convert an excel file to VisionX feature vector format
vxshtovf - Convert from VisionX shell output to feature vector or CSV formats

VTK utilites to interface VTK to VisionX

More Info.
Command Function
vtkrnd - VTK render engine
vvptovtk - data format converter from VX polygon to VTK polygon
vxtovtk - data format converter from VX image to VTK data
vxtovtkv - data format converter from VX 3D images to VTK volume data.

Chest Image Analysis

More Info.
Command Function
vaapadia - measures pulmonary artery and ascending aorta diameter.
vadia - compute diameters of a triangular mesh model.
vaorta - finds a seed point inside the aortic lumen at carina level
vaproj - Removes aortic and mitral valve calcification.
vaseg - aorta segmentation.
vatrk - tracks the aorta in a ct image
vavec - combines the ascending aorta centerpoints
vbmd - vertebral body closed surface segmentation and BMD measurements
vbmdm - measure bone mineral density (BMD)
vbrden - : compute breast density
vbrden - : compute breast density
vbreast - : segment the whole breast
vbrstdg - : perform measurement of breast density and gynecomastia
vchull - calculates the 3D convex hull
vclav - clavicle segmentation
vclavicle - clavicle segmentation
vctnodata - segments the outside region on a CT scan
vctselect - extract simple intensity features from CT images
vdiaplot - plot the aorta profile.
vdirf - directional mean or median smoothing filter.
vdirmask - coronary region segmentation from label map
vdirseg - coronary region directional filtering
vdstat - masked iamge region standard deviation
vffat - constrains pericardial fat based on heart region.
vhbase - projects the heart region down below diaphragm.
vhbchk - eliminate heart base over-segmentation
vhcont - constrains the heart region with other organs.
vhcvt - converts a sagittal map to an axial map.
vhfat - segments the pericardial fat region.
vhrtf - removes bony structures from CAC candidates.
vhtop - estimates the endpoints of pulmonary vessel above heart.
vhtrk - models the centerline points of the pulmonary vessel above heart.
vinterp - interpolates from surrounding values into a region of interest.
vlsdev - computes the standard deviation in local labeled regions of an image.
vndetx - select high probability candidate nodules
vnfat - noise aware fat segmentation of a CT image
vofftov3d - converts a text file to V3D format.
vparvox - smooth the edges of a pre-labeled image for skin segmentation
vpbreast - : determine the posterior breast boundary by tracking muslce front
vpixloc - outputs the non-zeros pixel locations of a byte image.
vppv - find ascending aorta and pulmonary artery ending location
vpvhrt - estimates location of the pulmonary vessel above heart.
vrbreast - region growing of pectoral muscles.
vsbreast - rule-based refinement of the pectoral muscles.
vsfas - segments fat, skin, and reconstruction boundary of the body
vskinb - locate the skin and reconstruction boundary of a CT image
vster - locates the sternum from a bone map.
vstern - sternum segmentation
vsternum - clavicle segmentation
vsterrefine - sternum segmentation, refine the sternum segmentation.
vsterseed - sternum segmentation, segment the initial seed cross section.
vstertrack - sternum segmentation, track cross sections vertically.
vstnm - sternum segmentation
vvbreast - estimate the vertical extents of the breast.
vveccom - combines vector files for aorta, combines and breaks into segments.
vvectrku - post-processes the ascending aorta centerpoints.
vvtbd - performs vertebral body segmentation.
vvtbdsf - performs closed surface segmentation of vertebral body
vxlpa - computes the lung profile, and critical locations
vxmedian - comptues pseudo-median 3x3x3 filter to a 3 dimensional image.
vxtrunk - repairs truncated binary images after morphological filtering.
vzcopy - copy the specified axial slice to all slices inferior to it.
vzpstat - computes slice-by-slice image statistics

VisionX Radiology Viewer

More Info.
Command Function
vrv - X Windows VisionX Radiology Viewer.
vrview - X Windows VisionX Radiology Viewer Application.

© Copyright 1996-2007 by A. P. Reeves. All rights reserved.