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The VisionX image formats allow for multiple channels, 3D images, image sequences and many pixel types. The Image Utilities for these images may be grouped into three primary functions. 1. Data format conversion to and from external image file formats, 2. Data extraction to select a subset of the image data and data construction to reformulate the image data structure.

The following table illustrates the main utility programs in this grouping

Command Function: Format Conversion
vformat - (vx) change image format to VisionX format
actual formats supported are platform dependent
vrawtovx - Convert a raw image to VisionX format
useful for many non-standard image formats,
if the image has a header use dd to skip over it
vxto - change image format from VisionX format
the formats supported are platform dependent
vxtotiff - generate tiff format image set for VisionX image sequences
vxtopnm - convert files from VisionX to pnm format
all visionx programs can output pnm files by using a ",p" file extension
vxtopnm in addition supports the ascii version of the pnm formats
vxctops - convert VisionX image files to Postscript backup (old) version, use if "vxto -ps" (requires netpbm) is not available
vxtoraw - write out the raw image data from a file
Command Function: Complex Image Construction
vcp - make a copy of a VisionX file
vcat - concatenate a set of VisionX files (for construction of 3D images and image sequences)
vxfile - Append a VisionX file to the end of a VisionX file
(like vcat but appends to an existing file)
vdim - convert between different multidimensional formats
vtile - paste an image sequence into a single image (useful for presentations of 3D images and image sequences)
vclip (vclipx) - clip a region of a VisionX file allows almost any consecutive subregion to be selected except channels which can be extracted by vchan below
vclipx allows the use of aonther clipped image as the clipping template
v3roi - select a 3D region of interest(ROI). This is a more user convenient form of vclip specifically for ROI selection
vchan manipulate multi-channel images
permits a single to channel to be extracted and for channels to be combined also includes some complex number transformations
vflip - flip or transpose an image about an axis
vfix - change the image format (pixel type) of a VisionX image file
vifx - Scale image data and convert to byte or float format
v3pad - perform three-dimensional zero-padding
Command Function: Image Modification
vmag - magnifies, changes the size of a VisionX image
vpix - primitive operations on the pixels of a VisionX image
vmath - compute a primitive mathematical function of the pixels of a VisionX image
vembed [vop] - perform an operation between two images or image sequences
vop - perform an operation between two images or image sequences
v3rbody - Three-dimensional Rigid-Body Transformation
v3mip - performs interpolation, transformation to different views and projections of input 3D image