VisionX V4

vxftoz − convert from frame to actual z coordinate in boundary files


vxftoz [if=infile] [ig=associated image file] [of=ofile] [-b] [-i]


Vxftoz converts the third coordinate of points in a boundary file from frame to actual z. Frames are always integer numbers starting from 1 and increasing by 1. Z coordinates, on the other hand, are the actual value of the third dimension coordinate in a 3D coordinate system. Tipically z coordinates start at zero. If an associated image is supplied, its bounding box is used to determine the actual range of the z values. Additionally, the program will also check and fix the boundary file bounding box. If the image is not readily available and the bounding box of the boundary file is correct, then its use as reference bounding box can be requested with the -b option.
If the -i option is supplied, then the inverse operation is performed, converting from z coordinate to frames.


No known constraints.



input file, The input file is a valid boundary file (usually with extension .bb)


specify the name of the output file


specify the name of the image file associated with the boundary


requests to use the boundary file bounding box as reference, in place of the associated image bounding box (N.B.: be careful to use this option iif the boundary bounding box is exactly the same as the image bounding box)


select the inverse conversion


A. Biancardi