VisionX V4VVPLOTVisionX V4

vvplot − graphical plot utility


vvplot [if=<inputfile>] [of=<outputfile>] [-s] [-b] [-hs] [-h] [-z] [n=] [-f] [mx=] [mn=] [-x1] [-xy] [-n] [-e] [-r] [-k] [xl=] [yl=] [t=] [k=] [yr=] [-c] [ps=] [ppm=] [pbm=] [pgm=] [pnm=] [-t] [-xz] [-gf] [-gnu] [-i]


Vvplot is a utility for making graphical plot files from VisionX 3-D, 2-D and 1-D generic float and integer vector files. The 1-D float and integer vectors are plotted using the element number for the X axis. Optionally, for multiple vector files, the first vector may be used as the X axis for the remaining vectors. Also, vectors may be plotted in pairs, with first vector in each pair used for the X axis. The 2-D vectors are plotted y versus x coordinate for each element in the vector. The 3-D vectors are plotted x and y and z versus element number by default. Histogram plots may also be produced. Vectors of length zero or one are not plotted. Vvplot is usually used internally by vplot but it may also be used by itself. The plot files created by vvplot can be plotted with vplot or output in a number of standard formats.


Vectors of length zero or one are not plotted.



Run in silent mode, only create the data file for gnuplot. By default gnuplot commands and other information is included with the file.


Select the box style for the gnuplot plot format.


Select the gnuplot contour plot format.


Set the X axis label.


Set the Y axis label.


Set the plot title. If t= is specified with no argument, then the data file name is used.


Set the Y axis range. The range is given by the string "ylo:yhi".


For multiple vector plots, include the key that distinguishes vectors.


For multiple vector plots, specifies a string of comma delimited labels to be used as the title of each vector plot in the key.


For a multiple vector file, use the first vector as the X axis for the remaining vectors.


For a multiple vector file, plot the vectors in pairs with the first value used for X and the second value for Y. This is the default operation for 2-D vectors.


For a multiple vector file, plot the vectors versus the element number. This is the default operation for 1-D vectors.


For 3D vectors, plot X and Y versus Z.


Plot data with error bars. The second vector of each pair is used as the error.


Plot with error bar ranges. The second and third vector of each triple is used as the lo and hi error bar respectively.


For multiple generic float and integer vectors, transpose the data. In other words, read the nth data vector as the set of the nth elements of each generic vector.


For 2D and 3D vectors, read the data as generic float vectors.



Select a histogram plot rather than a data plot.


Select a scaled histogram plot rather than a data plot.


Set the number of histogram bins. (The default is approximately 100. In the default case, the number of bins may be adjusted to produce better-looking plots.)


Fudge the number of histogram bins around the default or suggested value (given by n=) to produce a better-looking plot.


Set bin zero of the result to zero.


Fix the highest value of the histogram.


Fix the lowest value of the histogram.



Generate Postscript file output. The default file name is "vplot.eps".

ppm= pbm= pgm= pnm=

Generate the respective pbmPlus format image file. The default file name for all formats is "vplot.pnm".


Generate a gnuplot command and data file. The gnuplot command file will be "<filename>.gnu" and the data file will be "<filename>.dat". Where <filename> is given by the "of=" parameter. The default filenames are "vplot.gnu" and "vplot.dat".


A. P. Reeves, R. J. Prokop, and W. J. Kostis