VisionX V4VPLOTVisionX V4

vplot − make a graphical plot or histogram of a VisionX file.


vplot [if=infile] [of=ofile] [pf=] [cf=] [s=] [sc=] [l=] [-a] [-x] [-b] [-br] [-bw] [-ps] [-pcs] [-ppm] [-pgm] [-pbm] [-pnm] [-gm] [-gcm] [-gif] [-xpm] [-png] [-rpng] [-fig] [-emf] [-c] [-h] [-t] [-p] [-e] [-r] [f=] [-v] [-m]


Vplot will plot a VisionX file using one of several plotting programs and styles. It will accept VisionX plot files, 2D-vectors, generic float vectors, generic integer vectors, small image files, simple ascii text, CSV/TSV files, and VisionX text table files. Histogram generation is specified with the -h option. By default the plot will be displayed on the users terminal; format options cause the result to be stored in a file.


The creation of the plot is achieved with the gnuplot program which is assumed to be installed on the system. For 2D images either a 2D or contour plot is generated; gnuplot is not suitable for generating such plots for large image sizes.



input file, vplot: plot a graph of a VisionX file


specify the name of the output file


specify the name of file to store plot file.


specify file to store gnuplot commands


specify the size of the plot, the argument has the syntax <xsize>,<ysize>


specify the scale of the plot, the argument has the syntax {{no}square | ratio <r> | noratio} {<xscale>,<yscale>}. In general, <xscale>,<yscale> will be adequate. See "gnuplot help size" for more details.


set one or more axis to log scales, possible areguments: x, y, or xy.


input file is simple ascii text (not a VisionX file)


input file is an Excel-type file (CSV/TSV or VisionX text table file)


Use box (zero interpolation) plot, useful for histograms


Use bar chart (Excel-type files only), used for plotting multiple data series


Use box-whisker plot, alternate way of representing distribution of data


Generate a gray level postScript output file, the default file name is vplot.eps


Generate a color postScript output file, the default file name is vplot.eps

-ppm -pgm -pbm -pnm

select color, gray, monochrome, color pnm format output format respectively. The default output file is vplot.pnm.


Generate a gray level computer graphics metafile (cgm) output file, the default file name is vplot.cgm


Generate a color computer graphics metafile (cgm) output file, the default file name is vplot.cgm


Generate a color graphics interchange format (gif) output file, the default file name is vplot.gif


Generate a color X pixmap (xpm) output file, the default file name is vplot.xpm


Generate a color portable network graphics (png) output file, the default file name is vplot.png


Generate a color portable network graphics (png) output file, the default file name is vplot.png. This option uses the R stat package as a render engine rather than gnuplot (experimetnal version only simple plots implemented) Plot size may be specifeid by the s= parameter; arguments xsize[,ysize].


Generate a color fig (fig) output file, the default file name is vplot.fig


Generate a gray level enhanced metafile (emf) output file, the default file name is vplot.emf


make a 2D contour plot


select a histogram plot rather than a data plot


use a separate xterm to control the plot


plot line with error bars


use plotmtv plotting package instead of gnuplot


verbose mode


plot error bars for vector plots (see vvplot)


create the plot file only (do not plot, output pf=)


plot two vectors with the same x-scale


font size used for postscript and cgm plots (default is 20 for postscript and 9 for cgm)


A. P. Reeves and A.A.Enquobahrie