VisionX V4VHEDITVisionX V4

vhedit − edit the history information in a file

[if=infile] [of=outfile]

Vhedit is an editor for the history information in a file. It starts your favorite editor (or ed if no environments are set) on the file history information. On exiting the editor the output file is created as a copy of the input file with the updated history information. If no output file is specified the edited file replaces the input file.

V3 note: a V3 file is converted to V4 format so "vhedit" is a convenient command to convert V3 files to V4 format and add annotations to the history file at the same time.

Default: if an input file name is not specified (i.e. standard input) and no output file is specified the file is stored in "vhedit.vx".



Save the result in a new file rather than replacing the input file.


A. P. Reeves