VisionX V4

vgsphere - Spherical model simulator


vgsphere [of] [s=] [c=] [x=] [y=] [z=] [bb=] [i=] [hi=] [g=] [xz=] [-im] [r=] [-a] [bg=] [fg=] [-f] [-v]


vgshpere generates a spherical model gray level image. The sphere parameters are specified using [c=] (XYZ, 3D subvoxel accuracy center point) and [r=] (radius of the sphere). Foreground and background voxels of the sphere image are set [fg=] anbd [bg=] to respectively. The sphere partial voxel intensity are esitmated by subpartitioning the voxel in to [i=] intervals. If an anisotropic sphere is needed, the corresponding xy and z plane resolution have to be specified using the [xz=] input argument.



output simulated sphere image


size for x and y dimensions


sphere center point 3D coordinates (X,Y,Z)


x image size (default 8)


y image size (default 8)


z image size (default 8)


bounding box parameters


number of interpolation (partitioning) steps


max output value


grid lines


xy (inplane) and axial resolution (xs,zs)


impluse test image


radius of the sphere in pixel units


autoscale the image


background voxel value


foreground voxel value


print out frame numbers with nonzero intensity voxels


verbose flag


Anthony Reeves and Andinet Asmamaw