VisionX V4VFIGVisionX V4

vfig − draws one or multiple plots on the same chart in chosen format


vfig [if=<config>] [dN=<dataN>] [lN=<labelN>] [of=<output>] [pf=<vplot>] [ct=<chart_title>] [xl=<x_label>] [yl=<y_label>] [zl=<z_label>] [xmin=<x_min>] [ymin=<y_min>] [xmax=<x_max>] [ymax=<y_max>] [f=<font_size>] [lw=<line_width>] [lp=<legend_position>] [sp=<label_spacing>] [-g] [-l] [-f] [-r] [-a] [-x] [-b] [-bw] [-br] [-eb] [-c] [-h] [-logx] [-logy] [-p] [-t] [-e] [-w] [-j]


vfig draws one or multiple plots on the same chart in chosen format. It can be invoked both using the configuration file and by specifying all the parameters manually. Refer to ’vfig.tpl’ as to the template for the configuration file. If both <config> and other parameters are specified, the <config> parameters are overridden.

<data1>, <data2> ... <data8> are the input files either in VisionX or raw data formats (<data1> is mandatory). In case if <output> is specified, the image of the chart is plotted to this file and to the screen otherwise. Options [-p], [-t] and [-w] set up the format of output image file. Default output image format is VisionX.

If [-x] option is specified, the input file is considered to be a CSV or TSV file generated by an external program. This allows for the use of new plot types, bar charts [-bw] and box-whisker plots [-bw]. When these plot types are used, only ONE input data file is supported (d1=). For bar charts, labels are given using the l1...N= option. The x-axis on box-whisker plots is labeled according to the first column in the data file.

If [-f] (or [-r]) option is specified, a FROC (or ROC) curve is computed. In this case every input file is considered as a set of operating points (specificity and sensitivity). A convex hull of optimal operating points is then calculated and plotted.



input configuration file, must be in Linux shell script format


name of data file, N = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]


label for the curve, N = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]


name of the output image file, default: screen output


name of the output vplot file, default: no vplot output


chart title


label for ’x’ axis


label for ’y’ axis


label for ’z’ axis


minimum value on the ’x’ axis for raw data, default: obtained from the data


minimum value on the ’y’ axis for raw data, default: obtained from the data


maximum value on the ’x’ axis for raw data, default: obtained from the data


maximum value on the ’y’ axis for raw data, default: obtained from the data


size of the font (for cgm and postscript output only)


curve line width, default: 1


legend position (1=Top Left, 2=Top Right, 3=Bottom Left, 4=Bottom Right), default: 1


spacing between the elements on chart’s legend, default: 4


disable min/max calculations


enables chart grid


enables legend, default: disabled


include FROC calculations, default: disabled


include ROC calculations, default: disabled


input files are raw data, default: VisionX format


input files are TSV/CSV data for new style plots


draw with boxes style, default: draw with lines


draw with points style, default: draw with lines


draw with bar chart style, must use -x flag


draw with box-whiskers style, must use -x flag


draw with error bars style


draw 2D contour plot


compute a histogram plot rather than a data plot


make ’x’ axis logarithmic


make ’y’ axis logarithmic


output in cgm format for MS PowerPoint


output in postscript format for TeX


output in png format for Web applications


output in emf format for MS Word


output in 512x512 VisionX format


Configuration file

The structure of <config> is outlined in ’vfig.tpl’ which must be used as the template.

Raw data file

Each line of it corresponds to a single point (X,Y) with two components separated by space, comma or tab character. In case of raw data format, the option ’-a’ must be turned on.




Sergei Fotin, June 2006 and Artit Jirapatnakul, October 2007