VisionX V4VEDGEDIRVisionX V4

vedgedir − Performs various edge-highlighting operations


vedgedir if=<ifile> of=<ofile> xv=<x-vector> yv=<y-vector> zv=<z-vector> th=<theta> ph=<phi> [-b] [-w] [-hone] [-hall] [-v]


vedgedir highlights edges based on certain criteria. The required input file is the image that needs highlighting (if=). The output (of=) is the image with highlights in type float (unless specified as byte by the -b flag). There are three types of highlighting that can be done: gradient direction highlighting in one direction (specified by [-w]), which shows the the strength of the gradient’s direction in the specified direction; gradient magnitude highlighting in one direction (specified by [-hone]), which highlights the strength of the gradient at a point in the specified direction; and all-directions testing (specified by [-hall]), which finds the direction in which the gradient at a point (A) is strongest and compares the magnitude of the gradient with the two points adjacent to (A) in the same direction. It highlights points that have a higher gradient in the found direction than the two adjacent points.

For [-w] and [-hone]: xv, yv, and zv, specify a vector that gives a direction from each point in which to test for edge strength. Alternatively [th=] and [ph=] specify the direction with th being the angle from positive x-axis in the x-y plane, and ph being the angle from the positive z-axis. For [-hall], no direction needs to be specified.

-b is the flag which instructs vedgedir to convert the output image to type byte rather than float. The lowest negative values in the float image correspond to 0 in the byte image, while the highest positive correspond to 255 in the byte image. 0 in the float image corresponds to 128 in the byte image. -v is the verbose flag.


vedgedir is restricted to usage on images of type float. It can be used on outputs in channeled form from the function v3grad.



input image


output image


x-component of direction of interest


y-component of direction of interest


z-component of direction of interest


angle from positive x-axis on the xy-plane for the direction of interest


angle from positive z-axis for the direction of interest


highlight strength of gradient (in terms of direction) in specified direction


highlight strength of gradient (in terms of magnitude) in specified direction


highlight local maxima in gradients among adjacent points along grad direction


output image in byte format


verbose mode


D. T. Masetti and A. P. Reeves