VisionX V4VXOPENVisionX V4

VXread, VXreadframe, VXwrite, VXwriteframe, VXfupdate − VisionX File manipulation functions

VisXelem_t *VXread(vfile)
VisXfile_t *vfile;
VisXelem_t *VXreadframe(vfile)
VisXfile_t *vfile;
void VXwrite (vfile, vlist)
VisXfile_t * vfile;
VisXelem_t * vlist;
void VXwriteframe (vfile, vlist)
VisXfile_t * vfile;
VisXelem_t * vlist;
void VXfupdate(ofile, ifile)
VisXfile_t * ifile;
VisXfile_t * ofile;


VXread reads the data from a VisionX file that has been opened with with VXopen and creates an initialized doubly linked list of the read data elements. VXread returns a pointer to this list. If no data is found an empty initialized list is returned

VXreadframe is similar to VXread except that if there are frame markers in the file (VX_FRAME and VX_EFRAME) only the part of the file that starts with VX_FRAME the start-frame marker and ends with the end-frame marker VX_EFRAME will be read. Subsequent calls to VXreadframe will read subsequent frames. If no frame is found (i.e., at the end of the file) then a null pointer is returned.

VXwrite writes a VisionX data list to a file opened for writing with VXopen.

VXwriteframe writes a VisionX data list to a file opened for writing with VXopen and is suitable for writing multiframe images. It does not add the frame markers; this is responsibility of the programmer preparing the data list.

VXfupdate updates the global variable list associated with the output file ofile with any new information that has been read in from the input file ifile. In general, to guarantee correct maintenance of file information this function should be called to update output files after any call to VXreadframe. See any of the frame i/o template programs for examples of its usage.




A. P. Reeves