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VisionX File and List Access Functions

Note that programs making use of these functions must include :
#include "VisXV4.h"
Also note that the following variables are assumed for the descriptions below :
VisXfile_t *a, *b;
VisXelem_t *e, *f;
VisXimage_t *i, *j;
int      s;
char    *c;
A summary of the VisX V4 file and list functions follows.

VisX File I/O Operations

     VisXfile_t * VXopen(c, s)       open a VisX File
     void         VXclose(a)         close a VisX file

   Whole File I/O
     VisXelem_t * VXread(a)          read a VisX File
     void         VXwrite(a, e)      write a VisX File

   Frame I/O
     void         VXfupdate(a, b)    update global constants
     VisXelem_t * VXreadframe(a)     read a VisX Frame
     void         VXwriteframe(a, e) write a VisX Frame

VisX Data List Manipulation

   List Functions
     VisXelem_t* VXinit()        Initialize an empty list
     void        VXdellist(a)    Delete a list

   Element Functions
     int         VXtype(a)       Return the type of an element
     int         VXbase(a)       Return the base type of an element
     int         VXsize(a)       Return the size of an element (bytes)
     void*       VXdata(a)       Return a pointer to the element's data
     int         VXnumelem(a)    Return the number of data items in an element

     VisXelem_t* VXfirst(a)      Return the first element of a list
     VisXelem_t* VXlast(a)       Return the last element of a list
     VisXelem_t* VXaddelem(a,<type>,<buffer>,<size>)
                                 Add a new element to a list
     VisXelem_t* VXlnkelem(a,<type>,<buffer>,<size>)
                                 Link a new element to a list
     VisXelem_t* VXdelelem(a)    Delete an element of a list
     VisXelem_t* VXfind(a, s)    Find an element of type s
     VisXelem_t* VXfindin(a, l)  Find an element of one of types l where
                                 l is an array of types terminated by VX_NULLT
     VisXelem_t* VXbfind(a, s)   Find an element of type s searching backwards
     void        VXjoin(a,b)     Joint list b to the end of list a
     VisXelem_t* VXcpy(a)        Return a copy of a list

     VisXelem_t* VXdelobject(a)  Delete a whole object from a list

Image Array Operations

     int      VXsetimage(&i, a, f)  Create an Image structure from a file
     int      VXmakeimage(&i, <type> ,<bounding box>, <channels>)
                                    Create a new image structure
     int      VXembedimage(&i, &j ,x1,x2,y1,y2) Create image with borders
     int      VXfloatimage(&i, &j ,x1,x2,y1,y2) Create float image with borders
     int      VXresetimage(&i )   Free memory allocated to an image structure

A. P. Reeves, © Copyright 1998-2012