Table of Contents:

Study Motivation Study Goals Study Rules
Data Description Evaluation Dataset Data Preparation
Submission Format Requirements Workshop Information

Details of the VOLCANO'09 Challenge:

The target of the challenge is three-dimensional change analysis of pulmonary nodules in CT images. The focus of the challenge is not directly on segmentation itself (which tells us little of the underlying disease) but rather the change in size of the lesion recorded on two time-separated images. This size change is a critical measurement for (a) diagnosing cancer and (b) evaluating response to therapy. One of the most important indicators of malignancy is the relative change in size of a nodule over a period of time. The critical issue for the challenge, the precision of size change measurement, is needed to establish the minimum time delay between sequential scans and the associated magnitude of the measurement required to determine malignancy or response to therapy.

Most evaluation methods for CAD systems, including challenges, involve a ground truth established be experts. However, for the task of lesion size estimation it is well known that there is a large amount of variation or disagreement in expert size estimations. Further, it has not been established that experts manual estimations are superior to automated measurements. In this challenge, while the change in size of lesions will be reviewed by experts, we will explore the issue of ground truth through the submitted responses to the challenge.

Motivation for the study

Current approaches to quantification of nodule volume change measurement exhibit two main problems that complicate their direct comparison. First, these methods require large unified database of both stable and growing nodules. Second, there is no single commonly used evaluation technique that would assess the measurement quality of a particular method. Therefore we invite interested parties to take part in this unique study that address both of these issues by providing a single evaluation image dataset and a common methodology for assessing the quality of the measurement algorithm.

Goals of the study

By conducting this challenge we are trying to achieve the following goals that we believe will be beneficial for the lung CAD research community:

  • This challenge helps participants to apply and evaluate their algorithms on a standardized set of real-world clinical data.
  • The results will displayed on the website so that participants can observe the measurements made by other teams and can review the differences with their own methods.
  • The organizers and participants will have a chance to meet and present their work at the MICCAI 2009 - 2nd International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis.
  • The study will result in an overview paper, coauthored by all the participants, comparing different approaches to the problem.


Organization of this study and maintaining this website is a large effort. We ask everyone who decided to participate in the challenge to read and accept the following rules.

  • All information entered during registration must be complete and correct, anonymous participation is prohibited.
  • Multiple registrations of the same team are prohibited. (Teams may submit results for different methods)
  • All downloaded data may not be redistributed or used for any purpose other than participation in this challenge, unless permitted by organizers. (Once the challenge is ended we intend to make the data available on the public database to address drug response at which time there will be no restrictions on its use.)
  • No papers based on results obtained using data from this challenge may be published prior to the MICCAI workshop. After the workshop, the results obtained by a registered team may be published provided that the organizers of the study are acknowledged, a citation of the overview paper of this workshop is included in the publication, and that study organizers are notified of the publication so that . The exact citation to use will be posted on this site and e-mailed out to the primary contact person for each team once it is finalized.
  • Each submission must be accompanied by a PDF document describing the measurement algorithm with the specifications outlined below.
  • All participants are encouraged to submit a paper describing their method for presentation at the workshop.
  • All submitted data will become publicly available on this website.
  • All submitted data may be used by organizers for future research.

Data Description

The image data used in the study was acquired for the Public Lung Database to to address drug response and was provided by the Weill Cornell Medical College. Cases were selected that contained at least one nodule of solid consistency which was present in at least two scans with a whole-lung field of view including the entire nodule. Only nodules visible on at least three slices on both scans were included. 53 total nodules are available to the challenge in this way.

Evaluation Dataset

The evaluation dataset consists of 49 nodules divided into three categories. The first category consists of 27 nodules visible on two scans of 1.25 mm slice thickness, have little observed size change, and a range in diameter from approximately 4 - 24 mm. These cases span the sizes of most interest for nodule growth measurement and represent good quality scans. The second category of nodules included 13 nodules imaged on either two 2.5 mm scans or one 1.25 mm scan and one 2.5 or 5.0 mm scan to examine the effect of slice thickness on the performance. The nodules ranged in size from approximately 8 – 30 mm. The third category consists of an additional 9 nodules on two 1.25 mm scans, but a large size change; these nodules ranged in size from approximately 5 – 14 mm.

The approximate size distribution of nodules in the evaluation dataset is shown in the plot below:

The sizes used to produce this histogram are only estimates.

Example Dataset

Four nodules are provided as examples spanning the three categories described above. These nodules will not be considered in performance evaluation.

Data Preparation

All of the images for this challenge are made available in DICOM format with all patient information removed. The original dates have been removed from the scans and replaced with dates corresponding to a time interval of 100 days between each pair of scans, with the order of the scans randomized. Scans were clipped in the axial direction, and where possible, the five slices above and below the region containing the nodule were included in the clipped scan.

Nodule Locations

For each pair of nodules, the following information to locate the nodules is provided in a CSV file:

  • case - an ID used to identify the pair of nodules
  • study1UID - DICOM study UID of the first scan
  • x1, y1, z1 - the coordinate of the approximate center of the nodule on the largest slice of the first scan. The coordinate system has 0,0,1 in the upper left of the image, with increasing x as you go right and y as you go down. Note that the z index starts at 1.
  • sliceloc1 - location of the slice corresponding to z1
  • slicesopid1 - the slice SOP instance corresponding to z1
  • study2UID - DICOM study UID of the second scan
  • x2, y2, z2 - the coordinate of the approximate center of the nodule on the largest slice of the second scan.
  • sliceloc2 - the of the slice corresponding to z2
  • slicesopid2 - the slice SOP instance corresponding to z2

The nodule locations are in the approximate center of the nodule, on the slice with the largest area. If your algorithm requires a seed point, these are the points that should be used. If you need to use a different seed point, please indicate these seed points in your submission.

There are two files, one for the example dataset and one for the evaluation dataset.

Format of the submission

The critical information that must be included with each result submission is the proportional change in size of the lesion between the two scans relative to the size of the lesion in the first scan. If the measurement system measures the volume of the lesion in the first scan as V1 and the volume of the lesion in the second scan as V2 then the required number is (V2 - V1)/V1. It is recognized that some systems do not need to explicitly evaluate volumes in order to estimate change in size.

Each team must provide a spreadsheet in either CSV or Excel format for only those cases in the evaluation dataset with at least the following columns, where V1 and V2 are the volumes (mm^3) of the nodule on the first and second scans respectively:
CaseID, <proportional change in size>

Optionally, the size estimates in terms of volume (mm^3) may be provided as well:
CaseID, <proportional change in size>, V1, V2

An example of such a spreadsheet would look like:
SC0001, 0.2, 100, 120

It is quite possible that some methods may not work for some of the cases. For this situation please provide the case ID but leave the other values in that row empty.

Requirements for the supporting PDF documentation

Any submission of the results should be accompanied by a PDF document describing the change measurement methodology. This shoudl include a description of any parameter settings used to create the results and any user interaction should be clearly explained. Alternatively, a copy of a published paper may be submitted. Submissions without a description of the method will be rejected.

There is no specific style requirement, however the following items would typically be mentioned in the document:

  • Whether it is a 2D or 3D based method.
  • The degree of automation (how much of user interaction is required).
  • A brief description of each step of the algorithm.
  • A description of the dataset used for training or calibration, if any.
  • Limitations and assumptions made during design of the algorithm.
    • The working nodule diameter range.
    • Can the algorithm process attached/juxtapleural nodules?
    • Was the algorithm optimized for the scans of a particular resolution?
  • Results of the algorithm obtained on different dataset, if any.

Workshop information

Details of the workshop pertinent to this challenge will appear here as they become available. The format of the paper to be submitted will be posted when available at the workshop website.